米利暗年代. (2)

米利暗年代. (2)

Profile photo of 米利暗年代.


牙科 Assisting

Fortis College in 盐湖城

When I graduated dental assisting I went and got about three years of work experience and then decided to come back and attend the dental hygiene program.  

Working in the dental field I liked that every day was kind of different.  There was always something new that I could work on, something new that I could learn.  I met tons of great new patients every day.  

I chose to come to Fortis for dental assisting because their program was accelerated and they offered an externship where I could also get some experience out in the field and their job placement through the career services were really top notch.

I would hope that by getting an education and pursuing a career that I can be an example to my children to want the same for themselves, to be successful in their lives, to contribute back into their communities.

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